Checks Performed

Criminal Record Search

Requires a copy of the applicant's ID as well as a signed non-disclosure form. Fingerprints are taken digitally and submitted electronically to the SAPS AFIS database in Pretoria

Child Protection Register Search

Fingerprints are not required. The search requires a copy of the applicant's ID as well as a completed Form 30. Documents are submitted to the Department of Social Development.

Sex Offender Register Search

The NRSO is a record of the names of those found guilty of sexual offences against children and mentally disabled people. Original ink-based fingerprints on a SAPS form 91(a) together with Form 7 is required and submitted to the Department of Justice.

SACE Registration

SACE requires an up-to-date criminal clearance before applying online for a SACE registration number. Digital fingerprints are taken for AFISwitch authentication to be provided. Results within 24 - 48 hours. Information and instructions regarding theapplication process is provided.